Pistol Club

The Pistol Club is only open Monday and Friday from 9:30am – 4pm

St Marys Pistol Club has reached its member capacity. Interested parties are welcome to join the waitlist using the form below.

Formed in 2000 SSAA St Marys Pistol Club is one of the largest pistol clubs in Australia and is proud to call the St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre our home range.

The Pistol Club has reached its member capacity. To join the waitlist, please fill out the form below.

How To Join

For information to join St Marys Pistol Club, email pistol@stmarys.ssaa.org.au or click here to fill out the form.

All members of St Marys Pistol Club are required to be members of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) . To join go to https://www.ssaa.org.au/members/membership/.

You cannot become a member of St Marys Pistol Club until you have joined the SSAA. Any application to join will be held until you have provided proof of SSAA membership.

Normally club members are listed has being SSAA State/ Territory, New South Wales, with the branch being Sydney. This maybe different depending on where you live and if you already have current membership. For any help joining the SSAA, contact the Membership Office Email: membership@ssaa.org.au  Phone: 02 8805 3900


Obtaining a Pistol License

Pistol shooting is a safe, fun and unique sport that is open to anyone 12 years and over. St Marys Pistol Club conduct regular safe handling courses for handguns which are required before you can obtain a Category H licence.

To get started there are six steps you must follow.

Step 1:
Join an approved pistol club such as the SSAA St. Marys Pistol Club and book
into the pistol safe handling course. Our course is offered exclusively to members of St Mary's Pistol Club and involves both classroom and live fire exercises. It is an exciting hands on introduction to the sport.

Step 2:
Complete the pistol safe handling course. On successful completion of the course you will be given the necessary paperwork to complete your licence application through Service NSW. The course is run over a weekend – from 9.30am to approximately 4.30pm, Saturday and Sunday at the St. Marys Indoor Shooting Centre.

Step 3:
Complete 3 Novice shoots. These are Club calendar events and are run one on one with our Range Safety Officers. A Novice is a member who has completed the safe handling course but has not yet been issued with a Probationary Pistol Licence.

Step 4:
Complete 3 Trainee shoots. These are Club calendar events and are run under the guidance of our Range Safety Officers. A Trainee is a member who has completed 3 Novice shoots and has been issued with a Probationary Pistol Licence.

Step 5:
Once you have completed steps 4 and 5, and have held a Probationary Pistol Licence for a minimum of 6 months, you’re eligible to attend Graduation which marks the completion of your training period.

For more information about applying for your Category H Licence speak with the friendly staff at St Marys Pistol Club by dropping into the Centre or by Contacting Us.


Pistol Club Match Rules

These guides have been separated into three different categories and include detailed
information such as the type of firearm used for each match and the number of
rounds required.

Information for Members

Calendar of Events

Complimentary Attendance Update

From 1st April to 30th June inclusive, the service we provide to St Marys Pistol Club members by allocating them a complimentary rifle shoot (where they shoot their own rifle after the pistol comp) when they attend a pistol competition shoot will cease during this period. If you require a pistol attendance and a rifle attendance you will need to pay for both attendances separately.

Attendance Requirements

For questions regarding attendance requirements, please view the SMPC ATTENDANCE POLICY or contact the office on 8889 0409 or pistol@stmarys.ssaa.org.au and we will be happy to assist you.

Note: Club attendance requirements are in addition to any legal requirements. For your legal requirements visit NSW Firearms Registry.