Obtaining a Firearms Licence
St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre provides safety training courses for individuals interested in applying for their own licence.
St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre offers the following licence training courses
Longarms Licence
The Firearms Safey Course (Longarms) is one of the prerequisites for applying for your NSW Firearms Licence for Longarms e.g. rifles and shotguns.
This course covers the safe handling and use of longarms. It includes an assessment. If successful, a certificate is issued enabling you to apply for your licence.
Pistol Training Program
The Pistol Training Program includes an initial two-day course, several novice and trainee supervised shoots and competitions, and a final graduation assessment. The entire program takes just over one year to complete.
Successful completion of the two-day course gives you a certificate which enables you to apply for a Probationary Pistol Licence (PPL).
Successful completion of the entire program gives you a certificate enabling you to apply for a full Pistol Licence.

Safe Shooting Courses
St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre wants to make it as easy as possible for people to learn about firearms safety. That's why we run the longarms SSAA Safe Shooting Course, approved by NSW Police, five times a week
Courses are held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday beginning at 6.30pm and Sunday with courses beginning at 10am and 2pm.